In addition to handing in the portfolio your are requested to submit one further piece of evidence of your engagement with the course.
You can choose from a selection of activities, all of which are relevant to the broader objectives of the module.
This document provides a summary list of those activities and links to the more detailed resources. You can find a quick link to all those resources at
An introduction to a method of reflection. This task looks at the process of writing a short piece of reflection and provides a framework for that activity
A set of questions to be used with the RSA animate video of the talk given by Dan Pink on motivation.
The questions are designed to help you address some of the sections in the portfolio
Download and edit this document to prepare your hand in. The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic
This shows the cover sheet, the assessment criteria and the portfolio summary
The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.
The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic
This document summarises the contents of the portfolio
The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.
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This list was generated on Fri Feb 28 19:16:29 2025 UTC.